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Electric Grain Mill

Home > Electric Grain Mill

Grinding your own grain opens up new avenues of taste and texture since virtually all grains can be ground into a flour for use in cooking or baking. A high speed electric grain mill or grain grinder will allow you to get the flour you need in a short time. No labor needed, just fill your grain grinder and use your freshly-milled flour.

Anyone with a grain mill will tell you that freshly ground flour tastes better, but it's also healthier. White flour from grocery stores is a deconstructed food with much of the goodness taken out of it, and commercial whole-wheat flour often tastes bitter, is heavy, dry and a real challenge to bake with. By contrast the home-ground flour from your grain mill should be sweeter and lighter, as milling naturally aerates the flour. Electric grain mills and grain grinders are substantial appliances. If you're milling small amounts of flour, or lack counter space you might want to consider one of our manual grain mills.

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